Spring Concert: An evening with Farnham Youth Choir, St Andrew’s Church, Farnham

Hard on the heels of the ‘Sounds of Spring’ concert at the Anvil the previous weekend, the senior choir returned to the more familiar surroundings of St Andrew’s Church to show off their sacred and secular repertoire in front of a large audience. This concert was generously supported by the Lions Club of Farnham whose President, Phil Alexander, was in the audience for the occasion. We were also delighted to welcome Councillor David Attfield, Mayor of Farnham, as a guest at this event.

A spring storm was rattling the windows but there was a striking stillness inside the church, the audience noticeably holding its collective breath at times. This was particularly the case during the account of Adoramus Te by Orlando Lassus which opened the concert. FYC rose to the challenge of singing this while positioned in small groups around the church, conjuring a beautiful sound that set the tone for the rest of the evening. The concert perfectly showcased the choir’s versatility across different languages and musical idioms. Added to this, there were opportunities to hear the solo voices of FYC ‘veterans’ Jess Miller and Izzy Cole, and a welcome chance for the first time to hear a solo piece beautifully sung by Bear Crawford. 

Review by Helen Cole

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